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RESTful Business Process Management

Cesare Pautasso
[email protected]

University of Lugano (USI)

Faculty of Informatics

Architecture, Design and Web Information Systems Engineering


Towards RESTful BPM


image/svg+xml ? Database Datamail

Decoupled Sharing

image/svg+xml World Wide Web PUT GET Database


Discovery by Referral

image/svg+xml World Wide Web PUT GET Link World Wide Web PUT GET GET Link

Software Connectors

image/svg+xml Remote Procedure Call Asynchronous Messaging File Transfer Shared Database Stream World Wide Web

The Web as a Software Connector

image/svg+xml Send Receive PUT GET PUT GET GET Send Receive
image/svg+xml PUT GET PUT 200 GET 200
image/svg+xml PUT GET GET PUT DELETE


image/svg+xml Process Execution Engine Process Designer Process Model Process Owner Process Instance Software Activities Human Activities